Kayla Updike

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Bringing You a Cup of Joe

I ain't gonna lie—tired of shallow, curated, and aesthetically pleasing. Tired of perfect and tired of conformity. Tired of cheap and tired of comfortable. Tired of screens and superficial relationships.
Give me the woods, the prairies and uncertainty. Give me dangerous, risky things.

Like coffee on a cattle drive or coffee on the Oregon Trail. Or coffee in underground cafes in 17th century Sweden. Coffee frothing with story and the faces of the brave and the true. Coffee hard earned and joyously received. Give me authenticity and true friends to share it with. Give me something real to crave, to touch, to live for.

Give me something to embrace uncertainty and take a risk. To have a story to tell if only to myself. To choose something hard and earn it. To be a better person than I was the day before. To have coffee with people who want the same from life.

The thing is: I love coffee. But not in the coffee shop, recyclable white cup with the 100% recycled brown paper holder coffee. Its more like the early morning watching dawn coffee, the campfire coffee in a chipped enamel cup with a blue rim.

The sustaining coffee on cold days when your hands are too stiff to feel anything. The coffee of the woods and the prairie and the mountains. The kind of coffee you can't get in a shop or find the experience ready-made at the store.

I want the coffee you can't get any more, the dangerous coffee, the coffee the king of Sweden feared would make his peasants revolt. The coffee of cattle drives and the outback. The coffee of revolutions. The simple coffee, homemade and home-shared at Christmas time. The real coffee of real life.

Ask a friend over for coffee.

Drop a bag of coffee off at the neighbors just because.

Take a friend a coffee while they’re at work.

Drink your coffee outside on the front porch in the early, frosty morning, listen to the sounds around you of your one wild and beautiful life.

Morning rituals are nothing more than a celebration of a moment focusing on the now, the slow, the meaningful. Whether they are the morning before work or the afternoon Fika, be alive and taste real things.

Take your coffee without cream or sweetener.

Make your own coffee.

Earn your coffee, earn your comfort before you take it. It is sweeter repose.

Do something hard every day.

Brave the cold to watch a sunset.

Say good morning every day to the person you find hard to love.

Do something everyday that “doesn’t compute.”

Just so you know, you're welcome at my fire any time. You're welcome to my coffee made fresh everyday. You are welcome to this life of wanting real things.